The Leota Braun Charitable Foundation, Inc. is an appropriate beneficiary for estates, trusts accounts and investment programs for those who would like to leave a lasting benefit to their community. Gifts can be expended for a specific project or made a permanent endowment fund with the Foundation’s guidelines.
CLICK HERE to make an online donation.
Alternatively, you can make a donation by contacting Melanie Shindeldecker, Treasurer.
Checks can be made payable to LBCF.
You will be asked the following questions, so you can be prepared.
I will support the Leota Braun Charitable Foundation, Inc. as follows:
– With a one-time gift in the amount of $_____
– With a regular recurring gift of $_____
Paid: monthly __ quarterly __ or annually __ until the following date __________
– I would like my gift applied to the following type of activity or fund:
Current Funds List
Important Tax Note
The Leota Braun Charitable Foundation, Inc. has been designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization. Gifts may therefore be tax deductible for federal income, gift and estate tax purposes. Consult your tax advisor for details.
Something to think about…
Do you need or want to make a large tax deductible contribution to charity this year, but do not know to what organization? You can create a donor-advised charitable trust fund within the Leota Braun Charitable Foundation, Inc., donate to it this tax year, and designate a charity or charities at a later time to be the beneficiaries of your generosity. Your gift will even earn income until the time it is distributed. Consult a foundation director.
Make An Online Donation
American Legion Veterans Memorial
Angel Tree Project
Arts in the Park
Carey, Bill and Benny Scholarship Fund
Community Improvement
Crime Awareness
Cultural Enrichment
Environment & Conservation
General Fund
Handicap and Special Needs
High 5 Fund
Lee Purdy Fund
Library Fund
Medical Dental Procurement
Mendon Union Recreation
Parks and Recreation Fund
Parkway Booster Club
Parkway Music Boosters
Parkway Music Booster Disney Trip
Parkway’s Fight Against Cancer
Police Aux. Fund
Rockford Bicentennial Committee
Rockford Community Days
Rockford Lions Club
Rockford Recreation Fund
Scholarship Fund
Shanes Aerie 1282 FOE
Shanes Crossing Historical
Shanes Park Capital Improvement
Special Events Fund
Splash Pad
Willshire Bell Tower
Willshire Bicentennial Fund
Willshire Museum
Willshire Park
Willshire Youth Activities
American Legion
$0.00 donated -
American Legion Veterans Memorial
$0.00 donated -
Angel Tree Project
$835.00 donated -
ASK Gehle Scholarship
$0.00 donated -
$694.00 donated -
Community Improvement
$0.00 donated -
Cultural Enrichment
The Cultural Enrichment Fund may be used to promote and finance activities commonly considered to be fine arts. Examples might include, but not be limited to, musical concerts, drama, plays, and art shows. The funds may be used to attract participants to the community, and to purchase and improve land, buildings, and equipment for use by local non-profit organizations. The income can be used to promote concerts, plays, shows, and other activities that enhance the enjoyment and availability of fine arts in the Foundation’s service area.$0.00 donated -
Environment & Conservation
$0.00 donated -
Fox Memorial Scholarship
$0.00 donated -
General Fund
This general fund covers expenses like taxes, postage, banquet expenses, and is also used for the $1,500 Leota Braun Scholarship given out each year, along with two smaller scholarships, to graduating Parkway High School students.$550.00 donated -
Handicap and Special Needs
$0.00 donated -
High 5 Fund
$0.00 donated -
Lee Purdy Fund
$0.00 donated -
Library Fund
$0.00 donated -
Medical Dental Procurement
$0.00 donated -
Parks and Recreation Fund
The proceeds of the Parks and Recreation Fund will be used for the financing of public parks in the communities. Funds may be expended for such things as land purchase, infrastructure installation and improvements, buildings and building improvements, installation and maintenance of athletic and recreational facilities and equipment for the benefit of the general public. The fund may finance projects including park benches, landscaping, and other items to make the park areas pleasing and functional for the enjoyment of the general public. This fund may also help finance professional or non-professional, recreational activities and sporting events that benefit community groups or causes.$0.00 donated -
Parkway Baseball Parents
$0.00 donated -
Parkway Booster Club
$50.00 donated -
Parkway Music Booster Disney Trip
$20.00 donated -
Parkway Music Boosters
$0.00 donated -
Rockford Community Days
$0.00 donated -
Rockford Lions Club
$0.00 donated -
Rockford Recreation Fund
$100.00 donated -
Scholarship Fund
$515.00 donated -
Shanes Aerie 1282 FOE
$0.00 donated -
Shanes Crossing Historical
$50.00 donated -
Shanes Park Capital Improvement
$0.00 donated -
Special Events Fund
The Foundation will help fund the sponsorship, promotion, and operation of community and area special events as approved by the Board of Directors including, but not necessarily limited to, parades; picnics; festivals; sporting events; art, historical, literary, musical, theatrical, and similar cultural events; holiday-related activities; and other events involving significant numbers of citizens from the general public. The Foundation may support county, state, national, and international events when it is in the best interests of the Foundation or its service area to do so.$0.00 donated -
Splash Pad
$0.00 donated -
Willshire Bell Tower
$0.00 donated -
Willshire Museum
$2,850.00 donated -
Willshire Park
$250.00 donated -
Willshire Youth Activities
$50.00 donated