Available Scholarships

The following scholarships will be decided by the LBCF Scholarship Committee organized by the Parkway High School. Scholarship Applications are available for download. All applications must be submitted by April 10, 2023.

Please contact the Parkway High School Guidance Counselor for additional information on deadlines and necessary paperwork.

Below are the parameters for each type of scholarship.
*Note – Scholarship amounts may vary depending on availability of funds each year


Brianna Coon Scholarship – Two – $300 scholarships

Parkway HS student; Preference to student who has been a member of the school’s bowling team, a Vantage Vocational School student or a student pursuing a Physical therapist degree in post-high school studies.


Robert Thompson Scholarship – One – $1,500 scholarship



Lee Purdy Scholarship – One – $1,000 scholarship

Career in trades field – 2 year degree – trade school – apprenticeship – no GPA requirement.


LBCF Scholarship – Number of Recipients and annual scholarship amount(s) are determined by funds raised during the Annual LBCF Scholarship Drive

A deserving Parkway High School graduating senior.