The Foundation currently manages several community funds.
American Legion | Parkway’s Fight Against Cancer |
American Legion Veterans Memorial | Parkway Music Boosters |
Angel Tree Project | Parkway Music Booster Disney Trip |
Arts in the Park | Police Aux. Fund |
Backpack | Splash Pad |
Community Improvement | Rockford Bicentennial Committee |
Crime Awareness | Rockford Community Days |
Cultural Enrichment | Rockford Lions Club |
Environment & Conservation | Rockford Recreation Fund |
General Fund* | Scholarship Fund |
Handicap and Special Needs | Shanes Aerie 1282 FOE |
High 5 Fund | Shanes Crossing Historical |
Lee Purdy Fund | Shanes Park Capital Improvement |
Library Fund | Special Events Fund |
Medical Dental Procurement | Willshire Bell Tower |
Mendon Union Recreation | Willshire Bicentennial Fund |
Parks and Recreation Fund | Willshire Museum |
Parkway Booster Club | Willshire Park |
Willshire Youth Activities |
Undesignated Donations
When an undesignated donation is made to the Leota Braun Charitable Foundation, it goes into the general fund. The general fund covers expenses like taxes, postage, banquet expenses, etc.
General Fund
Money in the general fund is also used for the $1,500 Leota Braun Scholarship given out each year, along with two smaller scholarships, to graduating Parkway High School students.
The general fund each year gives 6-8 different donation to Parkway community events.
Funds by Type
Endowment Funds
Endowment funds are funds to be held in perpetuity by the Foundation and from which the income will go to the support of specified purposes of the endowment on a permanent basis. These are permanent funds that will be supported by the endowment rather than be dependent upon continuing contributions.
Pass-Through Funds
Pass-through funds will be collected as charitable contributions by the Foundation for the benefit of specific causes or projects in the involved communities. The intent of these funds is that they will be established temporarily for the completion of a specific project or series of activities. Eventually these funds may be completely exhausted upon completion of the intended activities.
Named Endowment Funds
Named endowment funds may be created by a donor, created as a memorial to a person or event, or created for a cause for specific beneficiaries. These funds will carry the name of the donor, honoree, or beneficiary and must grow to an amount that will guarantee their permanence within a period of ten years. Donors should contact the Foundation for current specific requirements to establish this type of fund.
Field of Interest Funds
The Foundation maintains both endowment and pass-through funds in several fields of interest to benefit various areas of the communities it serves. Donors may make contributions in any amount to any of these funds at any time.
Field of Interest Funds are defined by the following:
Community Development
Cultural Enrichment
Environment and Conservation
General Fund for Foundation Operations
Handicapped and Special Needs
Health Care
Parks and Recreation Fund
Special Events
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